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Recommended Parts – Substitutions – Construction Hints

The parts and bi-wiring layout I have specified  here for building my various 604 and 605 phase correct crossovers are ones I have used successfully with vintage Altec Lansing drivers in the past. The parts are not inexpensive, nor the layout quick to implement, and for good reason - they sound better! I've received a number of questions from prospective builders about part substitutions and construction techniques, so I thought it would be a good idea to present a few thoughts on the subject for your consideration. Capacitors My circuits specify Hovland Musicaps. Hovlands are truly premium items, and are available......

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About Us

Great Plains Audio was born out of the Altec Lansing corporation in 1998. It carries forward the loudspeaker design and manufacturing tradition that began with Western Electric in the early 20th century. Great Plains Audio is the only place where the legendary Western Electric/Altec Lansing sound reproduction technologies live on.

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Oklahoma, USA, 73127